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03/09/24 > Added a scuffed clicker to the misc page
27/08/24 > Added 2 easters egg
25/08/24 > Fixed blue box's in the main page text formating for chromium engine
25/08/24 > Set lazy loading to buttons in the main page
22/08/24 > Fixed the main page's 'status boxes' aka 'rbg boxes' for chromium engine (NOTE: It also makes the boxes the same height, so this is pretty convenient)
22/08/24 > Added 'loading="lazy"' to images in UC, photos and images pages
19/08/24 > Separated project and parts of the website in the misc page
19/08/24 > Added 'loading="lazy"' to images in the blog page for optimization and stuff
18/08/24 > Added a new 4chan generator to the misc page
17/08/24 > Cleaned some js code
17/08/24 > Changed the 404 page's robot dude with my own robot dude
12/08/24 > Changed 'Latest Update' to 'Update Status'
11/08/24 > Remade the header (also I forgot to update the update page, whoops)
06/08/24 > Remade the misc page (oh and the home page as well)
01/08/24 > Updated the home page
21/07/24 > Placed splash text to every page
17/07/24 > Cleaned up style.css
17/07/24 > Added the reviews section
14/07/24 > Tweaked the site for nekoweb
14/07/24 > Rewritten the whole website

(C?) Blinchik 2024