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Who is this dude?

Im Blinchik aka Anthony aka Anton. A russian dude that was making gmod "animations" on subrocks, vidlii and wevidi when I was a little kiddo. Now I just do whatever I think is fun and trying to survive college. Wont lie, I was a bit of a dumb dumb, but hey, I was 15-16, give me a break. I always found old tech very interesting. Currently using arch linux as the main OS.

Why 'Blinchik'?

Dunno. I needed to replace my old cringy nickname to something else and after a bit of looking at my steam profile I decided to name myself Blinchik which is a russian word for pancakes. So yeah, Im called Pancake. Nice to meet you.

Whats the reason for this site?

Mostly the same reason as many other neofetch/nekoweb websites, just for fun. Plus I dont really want my website having a WIP message hanging for almost 2 years already. (Damn)

How to contact you?

Im usually active in discord: little_blin

Can I haz neofetch?

U can haz fastfetch.
fastfetch screenshot

(C?) Blinchik 2024